Historical Studies in Education / Revue d'histoire de l'éducation
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Fall/automne 2005
October 1, 2005
Beyond the Progressive Education Debate: A Profile of Toronto Schooling in the 1950s
Paul Axelrod
PDF (English)
« Le Muscle et le Vouloir » : Les sports dans les collèges classiques masculins au Québec, 1870-1940
Christine Hudon
PDF (English)
The University of Toronto Health Service, Oral Contraception, and Student Demand for Birth Control, 1960-1970
Christabelle Sethna
PDF (English)
A Tale of Two Women: Edith Lucas, Mary Ashworth, and the Changing Nature of Educational Policy in British Columbia, 1937-1977
Helen Raptis
PDF (English)
« Le Muscle et le Vouloir » : Les sports dans les collèges classiques masculins au Québec, 1870-1940
Christine Hudon
PDF (English)
Comptes rendus
Denis Goulet. L'audace porte fruit. Histoire de l'Université de Sherbrooke, 1954-2004.
Lucia Ferretti
PDF (English)
Peter Geller. Northern Exposures: Photogaphing and Filming the Canadian North, 1920-1925.
Don Lawrence
PDF (English)
Robert J.C. Young. White Mythologies: Writing History and the West.
Ken Montgomery
PDF (English)
Roderick MacLeod and Mary Anne Poutanen. A Meeting of the People: School Boards and Protestant Communities in Quebec, 1801-1988.
J. Donald Wilson
PDF (English)
Andrée Dufour et Micheline Dumont. Brève histoire des institutrices au Québec de la Nouvelle-France à nos jours.
Jean-Pierre Charland
PDF (English)
Pam Hirsch and Mark McBeth. Teacher Training at Cambridge: The Initiatives of Oscar Browning and Elizabeth Hughes. and Peter Cunningham and Philip Gardner. Becoming Teachers: Texts and Testimonies, 1907-1950.
Elizabeth Smyth
PDF (English)
Adam Chapnick, ed. Through Our Eyes: An Alumni History of the University of Toronto Schools, 1960-2000.
Charles M. Levi
PDF (English)
F. King Alexander and Kern Alexander, eds. The University: International Expectations
R. J. W. Selleck
PDF (English)
Alvin J. Esau. The Courts and the Colonies: The Litigation of Hutterite Church Disputes
John McLaren
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Growing Up Progressive? Part II: Going to High School in 1950s Ontario
Robert M. Stamp
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Histoire de vie scolaire
Le père Joseph-Henri Tabaret, o.m.i. : Le bâtisseur de l’Université d’Ottawa
Michel Prévost
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"An educator of modern views": The (Auto)biography of Margaret Ross, 1862-1943
J. I. Little, Jean Barman
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