The Spring 2024 issue is now online! Le numéro du printemps 2024 est disponible! Click on ‘Current’ / Cliquez sur « Courant »


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Special Contribution:

In Memoriam: Lorna Ruth McLean, 1951-2024 



Yehouda Bitty, L’instruction religieuse au XIXe siècle : un regard sur quelques manuels scolaires pour les israélites en France


Olivier Lemieux et Jean-Philippe Warren, Le Conseil supérieur de l’éducation sous Robert Bourassa (1970-1976) : une  « machine à faire des rapports » ?


Tina Block,“Crawling with Atheists”: Unbelief at Canadian Universities during the Sixties 


Ian Milligan,From Policy to Practice: The Evolution of SSHRC Application Processes, 1979-Present


Research Note:

Lindsay Gibson and Mallory Davies, Vancouver School Names, 1886-2023: Continuity and Change


Book Reviews:  

Piers Legh, The Conservative Party and the Destruction of Selective Education in Post-War Britain: The Great Evasion | Gregory Baldi

Michael Hines, A Worthy Piece of Work: The Untold Story of Madeline Morgan and the Fight for Black History in Schools | Worth Kamili Hayes

Jack Schneider and Ethan L. Hutt, Off the Mark: How Grades, Ratings, and Rankings Undermine Learning (But Don’t Have To) | Crystine Hébert

Saida Grundy, Respectable: Politics and Paradox in Making the Morehouse Man | Jill C. Morrison

Jon Shelton, The Education Myth: How Human Capital Trumped Social Democracy | Johann Neem

Leslie T. Fenwick, Jim Crow’s Pink Slip: The Untold Story of Black Principal and Teacher Leadership | Abul Pitre

Tanya Titchkosky, Elaine Cagulada, Madeleine DeWelles, Efrat Gold, (eds.), DisAppearing: Encounters in Disability Studies | Geoffrey Reaume

Christine Miskonoodinkwe Smith, These Are the Stories: Memories of a 60s Scoop Survivor | JoLee Sasakamoose

Stacie Brensilver Berman, LGBTQ+ History in High School Classes in the United States since 1990 | Sam Stiegler

Myra Tawfik, For the Encouragement of Learning: The Origins of Canadian Copyright Law | Mark Swartz

Antero Garcia, All through the Town: The School Bus as Educational Technology | Sevan G. Terzian

Naomi Angel, Fragments of Truth: Residential Schools and the Challenge of Reconciliation in Canada | Terry Wotherspoon

Olivier Lemieux et Jean Bernatchez, La gouvernance scolaire au Québec “ Histoire et tendances, enjeux et défis | Émilie Auclair

Micheline Dumont, De si longues racines. L’histoire d’une historienne | Maude Goulet-Ménard

Veronique Paul, Elisapi Uitangak Tukalak et Siaja Mark Mangiuk, Une histoire de la scolarisation au Nunavik : mouvement de prise en charge locale par les Inuits, 1950-1990 | Ioana Radu

