Fall / automne 2019

Le métier d’institutrice indépendante francophone à Montréal, 1869-1915

Andrée Dufour
Centre interuniversitaire d'études québécoises-Université Laval
Published November 18, 2019
  • schoolteachers;,
  • school mistresses,
  • francophones,
  • Montréal,
  • 19th century,
  • 20th century,
  • secular teachers
  • ...More
How to Cite
Dufour, Andrée. 2019. “ Le métier d’institutrice indépendante Francophone à Montréal, 1869-1915 ”. Historical Studies in Education / Revue d’histoire De l’éducation 31 (2), 79-89. https://doi.org/10.32316/hse-rhe.v31i2.4723.


In 2006, I published an article, “The first female lay teachers in Quebec. A Montreal Case Study, 1825-1835,” in the French journal, Histoire de l’éducation (no. 109). The women teachers that I wrote about, most of whom were anglophones, owned small, essentially private schools in which they taught a significant proportion of Montreal’s young population. They inspired francophone female lay teachers who imitated their system, imported recently from Britain. These francophone women would make the model of independent schoolmistress their own, adapting it throughout the nineteenth century, and even into the twentieth. This way, the women contributed through the schools they owned, which were often small, to educating a noteworthy margin of the city’s youth, notably in the nineteenth century. They did so despite the founding of the Montreal Catholic School Commission in 1846. Consequently, the present article deals in some detail with the educational contributions of these women teachers in this period, but more specifically between the years 1869 and 1915.


Dans le numéro d’automne 2019 (vol 31, no 2), des erreurs relatives aux notes de bas de pages se sont glissées. Veuillez donc noter les modifications suivantes. Ces erreurs ont été corrigées dans la version disponible en ligne de laRevue d’histoire de l’éducation.

-À la page 85, à la fin de la citation de la ligne 6 du paragraphe débutant à la mi-page, on doit trouver la note suivante : ACECM, Registre des délibérations, vol. 4 (10 décembre 1895, 14 et 28 janvier 1896).

-À la page 86, à la fin de la citation de la 4eligne, 3eparagraphe, on doit trouver la note suivante : ACECM, Rapport financier de la Commission des écoles catholiques de Montréal1910–1911, 4–5.

Merci de votre compréhension.