This issue continues the bibliography on Canadian educational history and related fields most recently listed in Volume 8, number 1 (Spring 1996). Nous poursuivons ici notre bibliographie sur l’histoire de l’éducation au Canada et sur certains domaines connexes, bibliographie dont la dernière mise à jour fut effectuée dans le volume 8, numéro 1 (printemps 1996).

Les périodiques qui ont fait l’objet d’un dépouillement systématique comprennent/journals systematically searched include: Acadiensis, Alberta History, Archivaria, Atlantis, BC Studies, British Journal of Educational Studies,Canadian and International Education, Canadian Bulletin of Medical History,Canadian Ethnic Studies/études ethniques au Canada, Canadian Geographer, Canadian Historical Review, Canadian Journal of Higher Education/La revue canadienne d’enseignement supérieur, Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory, Canadian Journal of Sociology, Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, Canadian Woman Studies/Les cahiers de la femme, Histoire sociale/Social History, History of Education (England), History of Education Quarterly, History of Education Review (Australian and New Zealand History of Education Society), History of Higher Education Annual, Interchange, JET: The Journal of Educational Thought/Revue de la pensée éducative, Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d’études canadiennes, Journal of the Canadian Historical Association/Revue de la Société historique du Canada, Labour/LeTravail, McGill Journal of Education, Manitoba History, Ontario History, Oxford Review of Education, Prairie Forum, Queen’s Quarterly, Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française, Saskatchewan History, Teachers College Record, Urban History Review.

Acker, Sandra. “Caring as Work for Women Educators.” In Challenging Professions: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Women’s Professional Work, ed. Elizabeth Smyth, Sandra Acker, Paula Bourne,and Alison Prentice. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999, 277-95.

Adams, Annmarie. “‘Archi-ettes’ in Training: The Admission of Women to McGill’s School of Architecture.” Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada Bulletin 21, 3 (1996): 70-73.

Adnett, Nick, and Peter Davies. “Education as a Positional Good: Implications for Market-Based Reforms of State Schooling.” British Journal of Educational Studies 50, 2 (June 2002): 189-205.

Ali, Jennifer, and Edward Grabb. “Ethnic Origin, Class Origin, and Educational Attainment in Canada: Further Evidence on the Mosiac Thesis.” Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d’études canadiennes 33, 1 (1998): 3-21.

Andrew, Sheila. “Mother’s Helper? Factors affecting the feminization of teaching in New Brunswick Acadian Public Schools, 1861-1881.” In L’Acadie au féminin: un regard multidisciplinaire sur les Acadiennes et les Cadiennes. Sous la direction de Maurice Basque et al. Moncton: Université de Moncton, 2000.

Andrew, Sheila. “Selling Education: The Problems of Convent Schools in Acadian New Brunswick, 1858-1886.” Canadian Catholic Historical Association Historical Studies 62 (1996): 15-32.

Andrich, Sheila. “The History of Education in Manitoba: A Bibliography, 1993-1998.” Manitoba History 36 (1998/1999): 52-53.

Anisef, Paul, Paul Axelrod, Etta Baichman-Anisat, Carl James, and Anton Turrittin in collaboration. Opportunity and Uncertainty: Life Course Experiences of the Class of ’73. Toronto: University of Toronto Press,2000.

Aper, Jeffrey P. “Steerage from a Distance: Can Mandated Accountability Systems Really Improve Schools?” Journal of Educational Thought 36, 1 (April 2002): 7-26.

Archibald, Jo-ann. “Locally Developed Native Studies Curriculum: An Historial and Philosophical Pedagogy.” In First Nations Education in Canada: The Circle Unfolds, ed. Jean Barman and Marie Battiste. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1995, 288-312.

Aubin, Paul. Les communautés religieuses et l’édition du manuel scolaire au Québec, 1765-1964. Sherbrooke: Ex libris, 2001.

Aubin, Paul, et Michel Simard. Les manuels scolaires dans la correspondance du Département de l’instruction publique, 1842-1899: inventaire. Sherbrooke: Éditions Ex-Libris, coll. “Cahiers du GRÉLQ”, no. 4, 1997.

Aunger, E.A. “Dispersed minorities and segmental autonomy: French-language school boards in Canada.” Nationalism & Ethnic Politics 2, 2 (1996): 191-215.

Austin, Barbara, ed. Capitalizing Knowledge: Essays on the History of Business Education in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press,2000.

Axelrod, Paul. “Challenges to Liberal Education in an Age of Uncertainty.” Historical Studies in Education/Revue d’histoire de l’éducation 10, 1/2(1998): 1-19.

Axelrod, Paul. “Higher Education in Canada and the United States: Exploring the Roots of Difference.” Historical Studies in Education/Revued’histoire de l’éducation 7, 2 (Fall/automne 1995), 141-75.

Axelrod, Paul. “Historical Writing and Canadian Education from the 1970s to the 1990s.” History of Education Quarterly 36, 1 (Spring 1996): 19-38.

Axelrod, Paul. “McGill University on the Landscape of Canadian Higher Education: Historical Reflections.” Higher Education Perspectives 1 (1996-7): 199-34; reprinted in Fontanus, Fall 1998, 117-33.

Axelrod, Paul. The Promise of Schooling: Education in Canada, 1800-1914. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1997.

Axelrod, Paul. “Romancing the Past: Nostalgic Conservatism, the Great Brain Robbery, and the History of Education.” In Historical Perspectives on Educational Policy in Canada: Issues, Debates and Case Studies, ed. Eric W. Ricker and B. Anne Wood. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press, 1995, 61-74.

Axelrod, Paul. “Spying on the Young in Depression and War: Students, Youth Groups and the RCMP, 1935-1492.” Labour/Le Travail 35 (Spring/printemps 1995): 43-63.

Axelrod, Paul. Values in Conflict: The University, the Marketplace, and the Trials of Liberal Education. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2002.

Axelrod, Paul and P. Anisef. “Transition, the Life Course and the Class of ’73.” In Youth in Transition: Perspectives on Research and Policy, ed. Burt Galaway and Joe Hudson. Toronto: Thompson Educational Pub., 1996, 142-51.

Baines, Carol. “Professor Elizabeth Govan: An Outsider in Her Own Community.” In Challenging Professions: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Women’s Professional Work, ed. Elizabeth Smyth, Sandra Acker, Paula Bourne, and Alison Prentice. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999, 44-64.

Baker, Melvin. Celebrate Memorial! a pictorial history of Memorial University of Newfoundland. St. John’s: Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1999.

Baker, Melvin. “Memorial University of Newfoundland: a retrospective.” Luminus 25 (Fall 1999): 10-11, 23.

Baker, Melvin. “Presidents of Memorial University College and Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1925-1999.” Newfoundland Quarterly 93 (Fall 1999): 2-5.

Baker, Melvin. “The Establishment of Memorial’s Institute of Social and Economic Research in 1961.” Newfoundland Quarterly 92, 3 (Winter 1999): 21-25.

Baksh, Ishmael J., et al., eds. Studies in Newfoundland Education and Society. St. John’s: Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2000.

Balders, Bernd, and Meenaz Kassam. “‘Make Me Truthful, Good and Mild’: Values in 19[th] Century Ontario Schoolbooks.” Canadian Journal of Sociology 21, 3 (1996): 327-58.

Barman, Jean. “Aboriginal Education at the Crossroads: The Legacy of Residential Schools and the Way Ahead.” In Visions of the Heart: Canadian Aboriginal Issues, ed. David Alan Long and Olive Patricia Dickason. Toronto: Harcourt Brace & Company, Canada, 1996, 271-303.

Barman, Jean. “Families vs. Schools: Children of Aboriginal Descent in British Columbia Classrooms of the Late Nineteenth Century.” In Family Matters: Papers in Post-Confederation Canadian Family History, ed. Ed Montigny and Lori Chambers. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press, 1998, 73-79.

Barman, Jean. “‘I Walk my own Track in Life & No Mere Male can Bump me Off It’: Constance Lindsay Skinner and the Work of History.” In Creating Historical Memory: English Canadian Women and the Work of History, ed. Beverley Boutilier and Alison Prentice. Vancouver: UBCPress, 1997, 129-68.

Barman, Jean. “Schooled for Inequality: The Education of British Columbia Aboriginal Children.” In Children, Teachers and Schools in the History of British Columbia, ed. Jean Barman, Neil Sutherland, and J. Donald Wilson. Calgary: Detselig Enterprises, 1995, 57-80.

Barman, Jean. “Separate and Unequal: Indian and White Girls at All Hallows School, 1884-1920.” In Children, Teachers, and Schools in the History of British Columbia, ed. Jean Barman, Neil Sutherland, and J. Donald Wilson. Calgary: Detselig Enterprises, 1995, 337-58.

Barman, Jean. “Vancouver’s Forgotten Entrepreneurs: Women Who Ran Their Own Schools,” British Columbia Historical News 31, 4 (Fall 1998),21-9.

Barman, Jean, Neil Sutherland, and J. Donald Wilson, eds. Children, Teachers and Schools in the History of British Columbia. Calgary: Detselig, 1995.

Battiste, Marie, and Jean Barman, eds. First Nations Education in Canada: The Circle Unfolds. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1995.

Beagan, Brenda L. “‘Even if I don’t know what I’m doing I can make it look like I know what I’m doing’: Becoming a Doctor in the 1990’s.” Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 38, 3 (August 2001): 275-92.

Bédard, Eric. “L’idéologie syndicale étudiante: du discours à la pratique: le cas de l’AGEUM (1960-1969),” Bulletin du Regroupement des chercheurs-chercheures en histoire des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec 21, 1 (hiver 1995): 13-32.

Bélanger, Damien-Claude. “L’histoire intellectuelle du Canada et du Québec: bibliographie sélective.” Mens 1, 2 (printemps 2001): 189-223.

Bélanger, Nathalie, Clermont Gauthier, et Maurice Tardif. “Ruptures et continuités dans l'évolution des programmes de mathématiques de 1861 à 1981: l'ampleur d'une réforme.” Historical Studies in Education/Revue d'histoire de l'éducation 7, 1 (1995): 1-44.

Bélanger, Nathalie. “L’éducation spéciale à l’épreuve de l’histoire,” Historical Studies in Education/Revue d’histoire de l’éducation 9, 1 (Spring/printemps 1997): 21-45.

Bell, J. Milton. Hoofprints to Reprints: The History of the Department of Animal Husbandry, Animal Science and Animal and Poultry Science, University of Saskatchewan, 1909-1989. Saskatoon: College of Agriculture, University of Saskatchewan, 1996.

Benson, William. “School Psychology in British Columbia.” Canadian Journal of School Psychology 16, 2 (2001): 85-86.

Bercuson, David J., Robert Bothwell, and J.L. Granatstein. Petrified Campus: The Decline of Canada’s Universities. Mississauga: Random House, 1997.

Bernatchez, Stéphane, et Guy Bourgeault. “La prise en compte de la diversité culturelle et religieuse à l’école publique et l’‘obligation d’accommodement’— Aperçu des législations et des jurisprudences au Canada, aux États-Unis, en France et en Grande-Bretagne.” Canadian Ethnic Studies/Études ethniques au Canada 31, 1 (1999): 159-71.

Billard, J. Gordon. “Early Newfoundland Schools and Curriculum.” Newfoundland Quarterly 34, 4 (Spring/Summer 2000): 21-28.

Bloomfield, Elizabeth. Waterloo Township Schools, 1842-1972. Guelph, Ontario: Caribou Imprints, 1995.

Bogaard, Paul A. “Science within the liberal arts: Mount Allison and the Maritime universities.” In Liberal Education and the Small University in Canada, ed. Christine Storm. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1996: 89-104.

Bogaard, Paul A. “The Presbyterian contribution to higher education: teaching science in Maritime universities.” In The Contribution of Presbyterianism to the Maritime Provinces of Canada, ed. Charles H. H. Scobie and G. A. Rawlyk. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press,1997, 35-53; 217-20.

Bordin, Ruth. Women at Michigan: The “Dangerous Experiment,” 1870s to the Present. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1999.

Borrell, Helen. “The Fairbridge Farm School.” British Columbia Historical News 29, 1 (1995/96): 17-23.

Borst, Charlotte G. “Choosing the Student Body: Masculinity, Culture, and the Crisis of Medical School Admissions, 1920-1950.” History of Education Quarterly 42, 2 (Summer 2002): 181-214.

Bourgeois, Angela. “Une école toute neuve ouvre ses portes.” Brins d’histoire. Cahier de la Société historique de Grande-Digue 3 (nov.1995): 5-18.

Bourgeois, Florence. “Les anciennes écoles.” Brins d’histoire. Cahier de la Société historique de Grande-Digue 3 (nov. 1995): 19-29.

Brackin, Patricia. “Assessing Engineering Education: An Industrial Analogy.” The International Journal of Engineering Education 18, 2 (2002): 151-6.

Bradbury, Bettina. “Feminist Historians and Family History in Canada in the 1990s.” Journal of Family History 25, 3 (July 2000): 362-83. (Review essay)

Bradley, Richard, and Paul Lewis. Ridley: A Canadian School. Erin: Boston Mills Press, 2000.

Brien, André. 150 ans d’éducation à Joliette, 1846-1996. Joliette, Québec: A. Brien, 1996.

British Columbia Ministry of Education. Special Programs Branch. Teaching Students With Autism: A Resource Guide For Schools. Victoria: The Ministry, 2000.

Brodeur, Raymond, et Brigitte Caulier, dir. Enseigner le catéchisme: autorités et institutions, XVIe-XXe siècles. Québec/Paris: Presses de l’Université Laval/Éditions du Cerf, 1997.

Brooks, Kevin. “Liberal Education on the Great Plains: American Experiments, Canadian Flirtations, 1930-1950.” Great Plains Quarterly 17, 2 (1997): 103-17.

Brooks, Kevin. “Writing instruction or textual studies? Professionalism and the junior curriculum at the University of Manitoba, 1909-1935.” Textual Studies in Canada 10, 1 (1998): 157-76.

Brosseau, Marc. “L’architecture de la géographie scolaire québécoise: 1804-1960.” Cahiers de géographie du Québec 43, 120 (déc. 1999): 561-84.

Brown, Helen. “Gender and Space: Constructing the Public School Teaching Staff in Nanaimo, 1891-1914.” BC Studies 105 and 106 (Spring/Summer 1995): 59-79.

Bruneau, William A. “Music and Marginality: Jean Coulthard and the University of British Columbia, 1947-1973.” In Challenging Professions: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Women’s Professional Work, ed. Elizabeth Smyth, Sandra Acker, Paula Bourne, and Alison Prentice. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999,96-116.

Bruno-Jofré, Rosa. “Citizenship and Schooling in Manitoba, 1918-1945.” Manitoba History 36 (1998/1999): 26-36.

Bruno-Jofré, Rosa. “Lifting the Veil: The Founding of the Missionary Oblate Sisters of the Sacred Heart and Mary Immaculate in Manitoba.” Historical Studies in Education/Revue d’histoire de l’éducation 9, 1 (1997): 1-20.

Bruno-Jofré, Rosa. “Manitoba Schooling in the Canadian Context and the Building of a Polity: 1919-1971.” Canadian and International Education 28, 2 (Dec. 1999): 99-128.

Bruno-Jofré, Rosa, and Dick Henley. “Public Schooling in English Canada: Addressing Difference in the Context of Globalization.” Canadian Ethnic Studies/Études Ethniques au Canada 32, 1 (2000): 38-53.

Bruno-Jofré, Rosa, and Lois Grieger, eds. Papers on Contemporary Issues in Education Policy and Administration in Canada: A Foundations Perspective. [Winnipeg]: Monographs in Education, XXIII, University of Manitoba, 1996.

Bucci, Terri Teal. “Paradigm Parallel Pedagogy: The Significance of Parallel Paradigms.” Journal of Educational Thought 36, 1 (April 2002): 69-85.

Buchbinder, Howard, and Pinayur Rajagopal. “Canadian Universities: The Impact of Free Trade and Globalization.” Higher Education 31, 3 (1996):283-99.

Bullock, Patricia, Valerie Park, Jennifer Snow, and Encama Rodriguez. “Redefining Interdisciplinary Curriculum: A Journey of Collaboration and Change in Secondary Teacher Education.” Interchange 33, 2 (2002):159-82.

Burban, Christelle. “L’engagement décisif et inégal de l’état québécois en faveur de la protection de l’enfance: l’école d’industrie de Notre-Dame de Montfort (1883-1913).” Bulletin d’histoire politique 6, 2 (hiver 1998):40-47.

Burke, Sara Z. “‘Being Unlike Man’: Challenges to Co-education at the University of Toronto, 1884-1909.” Ontario History 93, 1 (2001): 11-31.

Burke, Sara Z. “New Women and Old Romans: Co-education at the University of Toronto, 1884-95.” Canadian Historical Review 80, 2 (June 1999): 219-41.

Burke, Sara Z. Seeking the Highest Good: Social Service and Gender at the University of Toronto, 1888-1937. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996.

Burton, Dorothy. “The Early Years: Women’s Athletics at McMaster University (1948-1952).” Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (Winter 1994): 9-13.

Buxton, William J. “Time, Space, and the Place of Universities in Western Civilization: Harold Innis’ Plea.” International Journal of Canadian Studies 15 (Spring 1997): 37-48.

Cadotte, Robert, et Colette Noël. L’école Notre-Dame-de-l’Assomption, Louis-Jolliet. Montréal: Commission scolaire de Montréal, 2001.

Cahill, Barry. “Dismissal of a President: The Ordeal of Carleton Stanley at Dalhousie University, 1943-1945.” Acadiensis 31, 1 (Autumn 2001): 76


Cahill, Barry. “The Higher Educator as ‘Intellocrat’: The Odyssey of Carleton Stanley.” Historical Studies in Education 14, 1 (Spring 2002): 67-91.

Cahn, Susan K. “Crushes, Competition, and Closets: The Emergence of Homophobia in Women’s Physical Education.” In Women, Sport and Culture, ed. Susan Birrell and Cheryl L. Cole. (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, 1994): 327-40.

Cameron, James D. For the People: A History of St. Francis Xavier University. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press,1996.

Cameron, James D. “From intimacy to detachment: the history of relations between St. Francis Xavier University and the Diocese of Antigonish to 1970.” Journal of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society 4 (2001): 70-83.

Carney, Robert. “Aboriginal Residential Schools Before Confederation: The Early Experience.” Canadian Catholic Historical Association Historical Studies 61 (1995): 13-40.

Carney, Robert. The Education Canons of the Roman Catholic Church and Roman Catholic Schooling in Alberta. Edmonton: Alberta Catholic School Trustees Association, 1995.

Cartwright, Don. “Expansion of French Language Rights in Ontario, 1968-1993: The Uses of Territoriality in a Policy of Gradualism.” Canadian Geographer 40, 3 (Autumn 1996): 238-57.

Caulier, Brigitte. “Enseigner la religion dans le système scolaire confessionnel au Québec (XIXe-XXe siècles).” Dans Enseigner le catéchisme: autorités et institutions, XVIe-XXe siècles, dir. Raymond Brodeur et Brigitte Caulier. Québec/Paris: Presses de l’Université Laval/Éditions du Cerf, 1997, 265-84.

Cavanagh, Sheila L. “The Heterosexualization of the Ontario Woman Teacher in the Postwar Period.” Canadian Woman Studies/les cahiers de la femme18, 1 (Spring 1998): 65-69.

Cavar, Tomislava. “The Role of Male Physical Educators and Administrators in the Advancement of Female Students’ Physical Educational Experiences.” Canadian Woman Studies 21, 3 (Winter 2002): 100-106.

Cecillon, Jack. “Turbulent Times in the Diocese of London: Bishop Fallon and the French-Language Controversy, 1910-18.” Ontario History 87, 4 (Dec. 1995): 369-95.

Centre for Higher Education Research and Development. Learning from Our Past: The History of Higher Education Development in Canadian Universities. Winnipeg, Man.: University of Manitoba, 1997.

Chalmers, F. Graeme. “Teaching Drawing in 19[th]-century Canada. Why?” In Curriculum, Culture, and Art Education, ed. Kerry J. Freedman and Fernando Hernández y Hernández. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 1998, 4758, 199-201.

Chalmers, John W. “Who was Alberta’s First Teacher?” Alberta History 43, 4 (Autumn 1995): 13-15.

Charland, Jean-Pierre. “L’éducation par l’exemple: le contrôle des comportements des instituteurs et des intitutrices des écoles publiques québécoises, 1842-1897.” Dans Érudition, humanisme et savoire, dir. Yves Roby et Nive Voisine. Sainte-Foy: Presses de l’Université Laval, 1996, 195-215.

Charland, Jean-Pierre. L’entreprise éducative au Québec, 1840-1900. Sainte-Foy: Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2000.

Charland, Jean-Pierre. “L’histoire de l’éducation au Québec: regard sur la production récente.” Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française 50, 4 (1997): 599-614.

Chevrier, Marc. “Le chantier abandonné de 1964: les onze propositions de Daniel Johnson, père, sur l’éducation.” Les cahiers d’histoire du Québec au XXe siècle 7 (printemps 1997): 164-78.

Choquette, Robert. The Oblate Assault on Canada’s Northwest. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1995.

Chown, Diana. “Alice Chown’s Criticism of Deaconess Education in the Methodist Church, edited, and with an introductory note by Diana Chown.” Historical Studies in Education/Revue d’histoire de l’éducation 8, 1 (Spring/printemps 1996): 82-99.

Chrisjohn, Roland, and Shari Young. The Circle Game: Shadows and Substance in the Indian Residential School Experience in Canada. Penticton: Theytus Books, 1997.

Christian, William. “Canada’s Fate: Principal Grant, Sir George Parkin and George Grant.” Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d’études canadiennes 34, 4 (1999): 88-104.

Cinq-Mars, Jean. Histoire du Collège Sainte-Marie de Montréal, 1848-1969. Montréal: Hurtubise HMH, 1998.

50 ans de souvenirs, 1946-1996: école centrale de Bertrand. S.l.: école Ola-Léger, 1996. (N.B.)

Clarke, Bill. Historic Dalhousie: Images of Our Past. Halifax: Nimbus Publishing, 2001.

Cliche, Marie-Aimée. “‘Est-ce une bonne méthode pour élever les enfants?’ Le débat sur les punitions corporelles dans les courrieurs du coeur au Québec de 1925 à 1969.” Canadian Historical Review 82, 4 (Dec. 2001):662-89.

Cliche, Marie-Aimée. “‘Qui bene amat bene castigat’: Le débat pédagogique sur les punitions corporelles dans les revues pédagogiques du Québec,1857-1964.” Historical Studies in Education/Revue d’histoire de l’éducation 11, 2 (1999): 147-69.

Clubine, Christopher. “Motherhood and Public Schooling in Victorian Toronto.” Ontario History 88, 3 (Sept. 1996): 169-84.

Collins, Alice, and Patricia Langlois. “‘I knew I would have to make a choice’: Voices of Women Teachers from Newfoundland and Labrador.” Newfoundland Studies 11, 2 (Fall 1995): 308-28.

Comacchio, Cynthia. “‘A Postscript for Father’: Defining a New Fatherhood in Interwar Canada.” Canadian Historical Review 78, 3 (Sept. 1997):385-408.

Comacchio, Cynthia. “Inventing the Extracurriculum: High School Culture in Interwar Ontario.” Ontario History 93, 1 (2001): 33-56.

Comacchio, Cynthia. “‘The History of Us’: Social Science, History, and the Relations of the Family in Canada.” Labour/Le Travail 46 (Fall 2000):167-220.

Conrad, Margaret. “‘But such is life’: growing up in Nova Scotia in the interwar years.” Journal of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society 2 (1999): 1-26.

Cook, Sharon Anne. “‘Earnest Christian Women, Bent on Saving Our Canadian Youth’: The Ontario Woman’s Christian Temperance Union and Scientific Temperance Instruction, 1881-1930.” Ontario History 86, 3 (Sept. 1995): 249-68.

Cook, Sharon Anne. “Through Sunshine and Shadow”: The Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, Evangelicalism, and Reform in Ontario, 1874-1930. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1995.

Cook, Sharon Anne, et al., eds. Framing Our Past: Constructing Canadian Women’s History in the Twentieth Century. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2001.

Corbett, Mike. “A Protracted Struggle: Rural Resistance and Normalization in Canadian Educational History.” Historical Studies in Education/Revue d’histoire de l’éducation 13, 1 (Spring 2001): 19-48.

Corbo, Claude, avec la collaboration de Jean-Pierre Couture. Repenser l’école: une anthologie des débats sur l’éducation au Québec de 1945 au rapport Parent. Montréal: Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2000.

Corcoran, Theresa. Mount Saint Vincent University: A Vision Unfolding,1873-1988. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1999.

Corcos, Arlette. Montréal, les Juifs et l’école. Montréal: Septentrion, 1997.

Costello, Gladys, ed. Tales told by teachers, 1998: a book of memories. Corner Brook: RTANL (Retired Teachers Association of Newfoundlandand Labrador) in cooperation with RB Books, 1998.

Couillard, Marie. “L’influence des États-Unis sur l’élaboration des systèmes d’éducation au Canada au dix-neuvième siècle et sa mise en perspective avec l’Argentine.” Quebec Studies 23 (printemps-été 1997): 82-94.

Coulter, Rebecca Priegert. “‘Us Guys in Suits Are Back’: Women, Educational Work and the Market Economy in Canada.” In Education into the Twenty-First Century: Dangerous Terrain for Women?, ed. Alison Mackinnon, Inga Elgqvist-Saltzman, and Alison Prentice. London: Falmer Press, 1998, 107-17.

Couturier, Jacques-Paul. Construire un savoir: L’enseignement supérieur au Madawaska, 1946-1974. Moncton: Les Éditions de l’Acadie, 1999.

Couturier, Jacques-Paul. Répertoire des lois touchant à l’éducation au Nouveau-Brunswick, 1871-1966. Edmundston: PréCLé, 1995.

Couturier, Jacques-Paul, et al. Bibliographie d’histoire de l’éducation au Nouveau-Brunswick: sources imprimées et études. (1995)

Couturier, Jacques-Paul, Wendy Johnston, and Sylvie LeBel. La question scolaire à Caraquet (1875) vue par les journaux de la province: recueil de documents. (1 Dec. 1995)

Croteau, Georges. Les frères éducateurs, 1920-1965. Ville La Salle: Éditions Hurtubise HMH, 1996.

Crowley, Terry, and Alexander M. Ross. The College on the Hill: A New History of the Ontario Agricultural College, 1874-1999. Rev. ed. Toronto: Dundurn Press, 1999.

Cuban, Larry. How Scholars Trumped Teachers: Change without Reform in University Curriculum, Teaching and Research, 1890-1990. New York: Teachers College Press, 1999.

Curtis, Bruce. “The State of Tutelage in Lower Canada, 1835-1851.” History of Education Quarterly 37, 1 (1997): 25-43.

Dahlie, Betty. “Jessie Margaret Henderson: Pioneer Teacher of Spirit River.” Alberta History 48, 4 (Autumn 2000): 17-24.

Damer, Eric. Discovery by Design: The Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of British Columbia: Origins and History, 1907-2001. Vancouver: Ronsdale Press, 2001.

Damer, Eric J. “The Rise and Fall of a Science of Adult Education at the University of British Columbia, 1957-1985.” Historical Studies in Education/Revue d’histoire de l’éducation 12, 1/2 (Spring 2000): 29-53.

Danylchuk, K.E. “Academic Performance of Intercollegiate Athletes at a Canadian University: Comparisons by Gender, Type of Sport and Affiliated Faculty.” Avante 1, 2 (1995): 78-93.

Danziger, Edmund J., Jr. “Taking Hold of the Tools: Post-Secondary Education for Canada’s Walpole Island First Nation, 1965-1994.” Canadian Journal of Native Studies 16, 2 (1996): 229-46.

Darroch, Gordon. “Home and Away: Patterns of Residence, Schooling and Work among Children and Never Married Young Adults, Canada, 1871and 1901.” Journal of Family History 26, 2 (April 2001): 220-50.

Davies, Gwendolyn. “Private Education for Women in Early Nova Scotia: 1784-1894.” Atlantis 20, 1 (Fall-Winter 1995): 9-20.

Davies, Scott, Clayton Mosher, and Bill O’Grady. “Educating Women: Gender Inequalities among Canadian University Graduates.” Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 33, 2 (May 1996): 125-42.

Davis, Bob. What Ever Happened to High School History? Toronto: James Lorimer, 1995.

Deblois, Claude, Céline Castonguay, et Lise Corriveau. “La culture de l’école secondaire québécoise: une rétrospective.” Recherches sociographiques 38, 2 (mai-août 1997): 251-77.

Dehli, Kari. “Love and Knowledge: Adult Education in the Toronto Home and School Council, 1916-40.” Ontario History 88, 3 (Sept. 1996): 207-28.

Deiter, Constance. From Our Mother’s Arms: The Intergenerational Impact of Residential Schools in Saskatchewan. Toronto: United Church Publishing, 1998.

Den Boggende, Bert. “‘Alone in the Province’: The Cobourg Ladies’ Seminary-Burlington Ladies’ Academy, 1842-1851.” Ontario History 89, 1 (Mar. 1997): 53-74.

Den Boggende, Bert. “Dutch Calvinists and Ontario’s Christian School Movement: The Hamilton Christian School before 1960.” Ontario History 91, 1 (1999): 39-62.

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