This issue continues the bibliography on Canadian educational history and related fields most recently listed in Volume 14, number 2 (Fall 2002).

Nous poursuivons ici notre bibliographie sur l’histoire de l’éducation au Canada et sur certains domaines connexes, bibliographie dont la dernière mise à jour fut effectuée dans le volume 14, numéro 2 (automne 2002).

Les périodiques qui ont fait l’objet d’un dépouillement systématique comprennent/journals systematically searched include: Acadiensis, Alberta History, Archivaria, Atlantis, BC Studies, British Journal of Educational Studies, Canadian and International Education, Canadian Bulletin of Medical History, Canadian Ethnic Studies/Études ethniques au Canada, Canadian Geographer, Canadian Historical Review, Canadian Journal of Higher Education/La revue canadienne d’enseignement supérieur, Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory, Canadian Journal of Sociology, Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, Canadian Woman Studies/Les cahiers de la femme, Histoire sociale/Social History, History of Education (England), History of Education Quarterly, History of Education Review (Australian and New Zealand History of Education Society), History of Higher Education Annual, Interchange, JET: The Journal of Educational Thought/Revue de la pensée éducative, Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d’études canadiennes, Journal of the Canadian Historical Association/Revue de la Société historique du Canada, Labour/Le Travail, McGill Journal of Education, Manitoba History, Ontario History, Oxford Review of Education, Prairie Forum, Queen’s Quarterly, Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française, Saskatchewan History, Teachers College Record, Urban History Review.

Alexander, F. King, and Kern Alexander. The University: International Expectations. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2002.

Andrew, Sheila. "Gender and Nationalism: Acadians, Québécois, and Irish in New Brunswick: Nineteenth-Century Colleges and Convent Schools, 1854-1888." Historical Studies: Canadian Catholic Historical Association 68 (2002): 7-23.

Axelrod, Paul. "The University of Toronto through Historians' Eyes." Historical Studies in Education 14, 2 (Fall 2002): 299-308.

Barman, Jean. "Encounters with Sexuality: The Management of Inappropriate Body Behaviour in Late-Nineteenth-Century B.C. Schools." Historical Studies in Education 16, 1 (Spring 2004): 85-114.

Behiels, Michael. Canada’s Francophone Minority Communities: Constitutional Renewal and the Winning of School Governance. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2003.

Brooks, Kevin. "National Culture and the First-Year Curriculum: A Historical Study of 'Composition' in Canadian Universities." The American Review of Canadian Studies 32, 4 (Winter 2002): 673-94.

Brown, Kathleen H. Schooling in the Clearings: Stanstead 1800-1850. Stanstead, Quebec: Stanstead Historical Society, 2001.

Bruno-Jofré , Rosa, and Dick Henley. "The Canadian Educational Industry: An Historical Critique of Education as Merchandise." Canadian and International Education 31, 1 (June 2002): 1-17.

Cameron, James D. "Ethnicizing Atlantic Canadian Universities: The Regional Impact of the Canadian Ethnic Studies Program, 1973-1997." Canadian Ethnic Studies 34, 2 (2002): 1-24.

Carr-Stewart, Sheila. "A Treaty Right to Education." Canadian Journal of Education 26, 2 (2001): 125-43.

Caulier, Brigitte, Nive Voisine et Raymond Brodeur, dir. De l’harmonie tranquille au pluralisme consenti: Une histoire de la Faculté de théologie et de sciences religieuses de l’Université Laval, 1852-2002. Québec: Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2002.

Cavanagh, Sheila. "The Pedagogy of the Pastor: The Formation of the Social Studies Curriculum in Ontario." Canadian Journal of Education 26, 4 (2001): 401-17.

Chabot, Mélanie. L’éducation des adultes au Québec (1930-1980). Témoignages. Montréal: Éditions Saint-Martin, 2002.

Chen, Xiaobei. "'Cultivating Children as you would Valuable Plants': The Gardening Governmentality of Child Saving, Toronto, Canada, 1880s-1920s." Journal of Historical Sociology 16, 4 (2003): 460-86.

Chrisjohn, Roland, et al. The Circle Game; Shadows and Substance in the Indian Residential School Experience in Canada. Rev.ed. Penticton: Theytus Books, 2002.

Clark, Howard C. Growth and Governance of Canadian Universities: An Insider’s View. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2003.

Clarke, Frank K. "'Keep Communism Out of Our Schools': Cold War Anti-Communism at the Toronto Board of Education, 1948-1951." Labour/Le Travail 49 (Spring 2002): 93-120.

Clavette, Denise. École Sainte-Anne…une histoire à raconter: la petite histoire de l’École Sainte-Anne 1965-2003. Fredericton: Denise Clavette, 2003.

Comacchio, Cynthia. "'The Rising Generation': Laying Claim to the Health of Adolescents in English Canada, 1920-1970." Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 19, 1 (2002): 139-78.

Connelly, F. Michael, Joann Phillion, and Ming Fang He. "An Exploration of Narrative Inquiry into Multiculturalism in Education: Reflecting on Two Decades of Research in an Inner-City Canadian Community School." Curriculum Inquiry 33, 4 (2003): 363-84.

Cook, Tim. "From Destruction to Construction: The Khaki University of Canada, 1917-1919." Journal of Canadian Studies 37, 1 (2002): 109-43.

Corbo, Claude, et Marie Ouellon. L’idée d’université: Une anthologie des débats sur l’enseignement supérieur au Québec de 1770 à 1970. Montréal: Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2001.

Corman, June. "Returning to the Classroom: Married Women Fill the Void for Teachers in Saskatchewan." Atlantis: A Women's Studies Journal 27, 2 (Fall/Winter 2002): 81-90.

Court, John P.M. "An Erosion of Imagination: Unfulfilled Plans for a University Botanical Gardens and Taddle Creek, 1850 to 1884." Ontario History 95, 2 (Autumn 2003): 166-91.

Couturier, Jacques-Paul, et Wendy Johnston. "L'État, les familles et l’obligation scolaire au Nouveau-Brunswick dans les années 1940." Histoire sociale 35, 69 (2002): 1-34.

Curtis, Bruce. "Public Education and the Manufacture of Solidarity: Christopher Dunkin’s Design for Lower Canada." Histoire sociale 35, 70 (2002): 447-68.

-----. "State of the Nation or Community of Spirit? Schooling for Civic and Ethnic-Religious Nationalism in Insurrectionary Canada." History of Education Quarterly 43, 3 (Fall 2003): 325-49.

Damer, Eric. "Building a Department of Adult Education at the University of British Columbia, 1957-1977." History of Intellectual Culture 2, 1 (2002),

Desmeules, Mélanie. "Les communautés religieuses enseignantes." Saguenayensia 44, 2 (2002): 27-35.

Dubé, Philippe. "Les musées : témoins et éducateurs des sociétés." Historical Studies in Education 15, 2 (Fall 2003): 361-75.

Eatock, Colin. "Whither Music Education in Canada?" Queen’s Quarterly 110, 4 (Winter 2003): 592-603.

Fahmy-Eid, Nadia. "Présentation inaugurale: L'histoire de l'éducation des filles : bilan et perspectives d’avenir." Revue d'histoire de l'éducation 15, 1 (printemps 2003): 1-17; "Inaugural Address : The History of Women's Education: Assessment and New Perspectives for the Future." Historical Studies in Education 15, 1 (Spring 2003): 18-36.

Fedunkiw, Marianne. "'German Methods,' 'Unconditional Gifts,' and the Full-time System: The Case Study of the University of Toronto, 1919-23." Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 21, 1 (2004): 5-39.

Fife, Shelley. "Taking Care: Building a Network of Student Support at the Curve Lake First Nation Education Department." Our Schools/Our Selves 12, 4 (Summer 2003): 39-49.

Fleming, Thomas. "From Educational Government to the Government of Education: The Decline and Fall of the British Columbia Ministry of Education, 1972-1996." Historical Studies in Education 15, 2 (Fall 2003): 210-36.

Friedland, Martin. The University of Toronto: A History. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002.

Friedland, Martin. "Writing the History of the University of Toronto." Historical Studies in Education 14, 2 (Fall 2002): 282-98.

Glegg, Alastair, and Thomas Fleming. "Teaching to the Test or Testing to Teach? Educational Assessment in B.C., 1872-2002." Historical Studies in Education 16, 1 (Spring 2004): 115-37.

Goulet, Linda, and Yvonne McLeod. "Connections and Reconnections: Affirming cultural identity in Aboriginal teacher education." McGill Journal of Education 37, 3 (Fall 2002): 355-69.

Hamilton, Roberta. Setting the Agenda: Jean Royce and the Shaping of Queen's University, 1904-1982. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002.

Hannah, Elena, et al., eds. Women in the Canadian Academic Tundra: Challenging the Chill. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2002.

Harrigan, Patrick J. "Women's Agency and the Development of Women's Intercollegiate Athletics, 1961-2001." Historical Studies in Education 15, 1 (Spring 2003): 37-77.

Hayday, Matthew. "Worlds Apart in Acadie: Official Languages Programs in Education in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, 1968-1984." Journal of the Canadian Historical Association 13 (2002): 235-57.

Hébert, Yvonne. "Identity, Diversity, and Education: A Critical Review of the Literature." Canadian Ethnic Studies 33, 3 (2001): 155-85.

Hewitt, Steve. "Spying Goes to College: The Mounties, the Commies, and the Sixties." The Beaver 82, 4 (2002): 15-19.

-----. Spying 101: The RCMP’s Secret Activities at Canadian Universities, 1917-1997. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002.

Hill, Janice C. Kanonhsionni, and Arlene Holland Stairs. "Indigenous Education: Ways of knowing, thinking, and doing." McGill Journal of Education 37, 3 (Fall 2002): 281-91.

Hobbins, A.J. "John Humphrey's Schooldays: The influence of school experience on the Canadian who drafted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights." McGill Journal of Education 37, 2 (Spring 2002): 141-58.

Horn, Michiel. "Academic Freedom, Academic Tenure, University Autonomy, and University Governance in Canada: A Bibliography." History of Intellectual Culture 2, 1 (2002),

Hyslop-Margison, Emery J., and Benjamin H. Welsh. "Career Education and Labour Market Conditions: The Skills Gap Myth." Journal of Educational Thought 37, 1 (Spring 2003): 5-21.

Kuhlberg, M. "‘By just what procedure am I to be guillotined?’ Academic Freedom in the Toronto Forestry Faculty between the Wars." History of Education 31, 4 (July 2002): 351-70.

-----. "A Failed Attempt to Circumvent the Limits on Academic Freedom: C.D. Howe, the Ontario Forestry Board, and 'Window Dressing' Forestry in the late 1920s." History of Intellectual Culture 2, 1 (2002),

Lamontagne, Esther, et Yolande Cohen. "Les Soeurs Grises à l’Université de Montréal, 1923-1947 : de la gestion hospitalière à l’enseignement supérieur en nursing." Historical Studies in Education 15, 2 (Fall 2003): 273-97.

Lampard, Robert. "Robert George Brett: ‘We shall not look upon his like again.’" Alberta History 51, 2 (Spring 2003): 13-21.

Lanouette, Mélanie. Faire vivre ou faire connaître. Les défis de l’enseignement religieux en contexte de renouveau pédagogique, 1936-1946. Québec: Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2002.

Lathrop, Anna H. "Contested Terrain: Gender and 'Movement' in Ontario Elementary Physical Education, 1940-70." Ontario History 94, 2 (Autumn 2002): 165-82.

Léger, Marc James. "Memory into History: Personal Documents for an Age of Franco-Ontarian Reculturation." Journal of Canadian Studies 36, 3 (2001): 79-106.

Levi, Charles. "'There is a definite limitation imposed' (Robin Ross to Claude Bissell, December 4, 1959). The Jewish Quota in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto: Generational Memory Sustained by Documentation." Historical Studies in Education 15, 1 (Spring 2003): 131-38.

Levin, Robert A., and Laurie Moses Hines. "Educational Television, Fred Rogers, and the History of Education." History of Education Quarterly 43, 2 (Summer 2003): 262-75.

Lexier, Roberta. "Economic Control versus Academic Freedom: Ross Thatcher and the University of Saskatchewan, Regina Campus." Saskatchewan History 54, 2 (2002): 18-30.

Low, Brian J. "The Hand that Rocked the Cradle: A Critical Analysis of Rockefeller Philanthropic Funding, 1920-1960." Historical Studies in Education/Revue d’histoire de l'éducation 16, 1 (Spring 2004): 33-62.

-----. "‘The New Generation’: Mental Hygiene and the Portrayals of Children by the National Film Board of Canada, 1946-1967." History of Education Quarterly 43, 4 (Winter 2003): 540-70.

-----. NFB Kids: Portrayals of Children by the National Film Board of Canada, 1939-1989. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2002.

MacLean, Hope. "A Positive Experiment in Aboriginal Education: The Methodist Ojibwa Day Schools in Upper Canada, 1824-1833." The Canadian Journal of Native Studies 22, 1 (2002): 23-63.

MacLeod, Malcolm. "Making Friends & Enemies: Public Relations at Memorial University College, 1925-1950." History of Intellectual Culture 1, 1 (2001),

Mah , Yvette T.M. "French Teacher Shortages and Cultural Continuity in Alberta Districts, 1892-1940." Historical Studies in Education 14, 2 (Fall 2002): 219-46.

Majhanovich, Suzanne. "Conflicting Visions, Competing Expectations: Control and de-skilling of education – a perspective from Ontario." McGill Journal of Education 37, 2 (Spring 2002): 159-76.

Malszecki, Greg. "Anatomy of a Course: Ten Years Teaching 'Women and Sports in the 20th Century.'" Canadian Woman Studies 21, 3 (Winter 2002): 144-49.

McGowan, Mark G. "What did Michael Power really want? Questions regarding the Origins of Catholic Separate Schools in Canada West." Historical Studies: Canadian Catholic Historical Association 68 (2002): 85-104.

McKillop, A.B. "Bissell's 'Great Good Place' and the History of Higher Education in Canada: Reflections on the Symposium." Historical Studies in Education 14, 2 (Fall 2002): 309-18.

Mensah, Joseph. Black Canadians: History, Experience, Social Conditions. Halifax: Fernwood Books, 2002.

Murray, Jocelyne. Apprendre à lire et à compter. École et société en Mauricie 1850-1900. Sillery: Septentrion, Collection "Éducation, Cahiers des Amériques 2," 2003.

-----. "La scolarisation l mentaire en Mauricie (1850-1900): Esquisse de la population scolaire et des résultats de ses apprentissages."Revue d’histoire de l'Amérique française 55, 4 (printemps 2002): 573-601.

Neatby, Blair, and Donald McEown. Creating Carleton: The Shaping of a University. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2002.

Neff, C. "The Education of Destitute Homeless Children in Nineteenth-Century Ontario." Journal of Family History 29, 1 (Jan. 2004): 3-46.

Neufeld, David. "Revolution and Residential Schools: Meeting on a Mennonite-Hän Frontier in Yukon." Journal of Mennonite Studies 19 (2001): 171-79.

Neylan, Susan. "Longhouses, Schoolrooms, and Workers’ Cottages: Nineteenth-Century Protestant Missions to the Tsimshian and the Transformation of Class through Religion." Journal of the Canadian Historical Association 11 (2000): 51-86.

Ormiston, Alice. "Educating ‘Indians’: Practices of Becoming Canadian." The Canadian Journal of Native Studies 22, 1 (2002): 1-22.

Orr, Jeff, San Salom/John Jerome Paul, and Kelusilew/Sharon Paul. "Decolonizing Mi’kmaw Education Through Cultural Practical Knowledge." McGill Journal of Education 37, 3 (Fall 2002): 331-54.

Ouellet, Fernand. Les défis du pluralisme en éducation. Essais sur la formation interculturelle. Québec et Paris: Les Presses de l'Université Laval/L'Harmattan, 2002.

Panayotidis, Lisa. "‘Artist, Poet and Socialist': Academic Deliberations on William Morris at the University of Toronto, 1896-1925." Journal of William Morris Studies (England) 12 (Spring 1998): 36-43.

-----. "The Bureaucratization of Creativity: The Art and Industry Controversy at Central Technical School, 1931-1949." Journal of William Morris Studies 15, 2 (Summer 2003): 9-34.

-----. "The Complexity of 'seeing' and doing 'good': A Canadian art education analysis of the 'Good Society.'" Canadian Review of Art Education 29, 2 (2002): in press.

-----. "The Establishment of Art and Art History Programs in the United States: Yale, Harvard, and Princeton, 1860-1920." Higher Education Group Annual 1992-93 (1993): 37-54.

-----. "'Every Artist Would be a Workman, and Every Workman an Artist': Morrisian and Arts and Crafts Ideas and Ideals at the Ontario Educational Association, 1900-1920." In William Morris: Centenary Essays, ed. Peter Faulkner and Peter Preston (Exeter, Eng.: Exeter University Press, 1999), 165-71.

-----. "James Mavor: Cultural Ambassador and Aesthetic Educator to Toronto's Elite, 1892-1925." Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies 8 (Fall-Spring 1997-98). Also in Scarlet Hunters: Pre-Raphaelitism in Canada, ed. David Latham (Toronto: Archives of Canadian Art and Design, 1998), 161-73.

Parker, David. "'Just a stepping stone' – the growth of vocationalism in the elementary school curriculum, 1914-1939." Journal of Educational Administration and History 35, 1 (Apr. 2003): 3-21.

Perry, George. "‘The Grand Regulator’: State Schooling and the Normal-School Idea in Nova Scotia, 1838-1855." Acadiensis 32, 2 (Spring 2003): 60-83.

-----. "'A Concession to Circumstances': Nova Scotia's 'Unlimited Supply' of Women Teachers, 1870-1960." Historical Studies in Education 15, 2 (Fall 2003): 327-60.

Pitsula, James M. "Cicero Versus Socrates: The Liberal Arts Debate in the 1960s at the University of Saskatchewan Regina Campus." Historical Studies in Education 15, 1 (Spring 2003): 101-29.

-----. "History, Myth and the University of Saskatchewan, 1907-1974." Saskatchewan History 55, 2 (Fall 2003): 27-41.

-----. "Competing Ideals: Athletics and Student Radicalism at the University of Saskatchewan, Regina Campus, in the 1960s and 1970s." Sport History Review 34, 1 (2003): 60-79.

Pols, Hans. "Between the Laboratory and Life: Child Development Research in Toronto, 1919-1956." History of Psychology 5, 2 (2002): 135-62.

Poutanen, Mary Anne. "'Unless she gives better satisfaction': Teachers, Protestant Education, and Community in Rural Quebec, Lochaber and Gore District, 1863-1945." Historical Studies in Education 15, 2 (Fall 2003): 237-72.

Prokop, Manfred. "The Maintenance of German as a Mother Tongue and Home Language in the Province of Manitoba." Journal of Mennonite Studies 20 (2002): 73-87.

Prud’homme, Julien. "La formation universitaire et l'éstablissement d’une nouvelle profession. L’orthophonie-audiologie à l’Université de Montréal, 1956-1976." Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française 56, 3 (hiver 2003): 329-56.

Quiney, Linda J. "Borrowed Halos: Canadian Teachers as Voluntary Aid Detachment Nurses during the Great War." Historical Studies in Education 15, 1 (Spring 2003): 79-99.

Stamp, Robert M. "Through the Eyes of Students: A Learner-Centred Approach to Educational History." History of Intellectual Culture 2, 1 (2002),

Taylor, Donald M., and Stephen C. Wright. "Do Aboriginal Students Benefit From Education in Their Heritage Language? Results from a Ten-Year Program of Research in Nunavik." The Canadian Journal of Native Studies 23, 1 (2003): 1-24.

Thomson, Gerald E. "'Not an Attempt to Coddle Children': Dr. Charles Hegler Gundry and the Mental Hygiene Division of the Vancouver School Board, 1939-1969." Historical Studies in Education 14, 2 (Fall 2002): 247-78.

Trites, Shirley J. Reading Hands: The Halifax School for the Blind. Halifax: Vision Press, 2003.

Twohig, Peter L. "'Local Girls' and 'Lab Boys': Gender, Skill, and Medical Laboratories in Nova Scotia in the 1920s and 1930s." Acadiensis 31, 1 (2001): 55-75.

Van Brummelen, Harro, and Kevin Sawatsky. "Colliding Rights in the Schools: Trinity Western University versus the British Columbia College of Teachers." Journal of Educational Thought 36, 3 (Dec. 2002): 207-28.

Walter, P. "Literacy, Imagined Nations, and Imperialism: Frontier College and the Construction of British Canada, 1899-1933." Adult Education Quarterly 54, 1 (November 2003): 42-58.

Walter, Pierre. "Adult Literacy Education on the Canadian Frontier." Adult Basic Education 13, 1 (2003): 3-18.

Whitehead, Clive. "Oversea Education and British colonial education 1929-63." History of Education 32, 5 (Sept. 2003): 561-75.

Widder, Keith R. Battle for the Soul: Métis Children Encounter Evangelical Protestants at Mackinaw Mission, 1823-1837. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 1999.

Wilson, J.D., and Paul J. Stortz. "'May the Lord have Mercy on You': The Rural School Problem in British Columbia in the 1920s." B.C. Studies 79 (Autumn 1988): 24-58. Reprinted in Children, Teachers and Schools in the History of British Columbia, 2nd ed., ed. Jean Barman and Mona Gleason (Calgary: Detselig, 2003), 233-57.

Zeller, Suzanne. "Darwin Meets the Engineers: Scientizing the Forest at McGill University, 1890-1910." Environmental History 6, 3 (2001): 428-50.